Sunday, June 3, 2012

Why So Downcast?

I woke up at 4:00 this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep.  Just had a heaviness in my heart for the afternoon I knew was ahead.  Our tradition on Sundays in Guatemala is to attend church at Vida Real, Dr. Hermann’s home church.  THAT was awesome.  The sanctuary was filled to overflowing, the praise and worship TUNES were familiar so we just belted them out in English right along with the Spanish crowd.  Braxton stood in the aisle at one point to RECORD one song in particular… Mighty to Save – his Daddy’s favorite!  It wasn’t as good as Shea sings it Honey, but it was still awfully good!  Know that we were thinking of you the whole time!

After church, we had lunch in Antigua and then headed to the Orphanage.  THAT was the source of my heavy heart this morning.  Last year, the orphanage trip was emotionally the most difficult part of the week for me.  It’s hard to see row after row of cribs, and literally hundreds of kids in one compound that the world has labeled as “unwanted.”  The mother in me struggles with that. 

Given that my day started pretty early, I grabbed my Bible and started reading in the Psalms.  Not really knowing where to start, I just turned to the place I always turn when I’m feeling blue.  Psalm 42: “Why are you downcast O my soul?  Why so disturbed within me?  Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.”   A little further down in that passage, it says “My soul IS downcast within me,”  I’ve always appreciated that inclusion by the Psalmist, because sometimes – even though we are COMMANDED to rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS – sometimes a person’s soul is just dad-blamed downcast ANYWAY.  It just IS.  The Psalms are FULL of our real human condition.

The passage goes on to say, “therefore I will remember you from the land of the Jordan, the heights of Hermon…”  For reasons I can’t explain, I never really made it past that phrase.  I meditated on the fact that the scripture is urging us to remember God’s PAST faithfulness to us, and to be ENCOURAGED by that.  I thought about “the land of the Jordan” – all those GREAT Bible Stories about God parting the waters of the Jordan River so the Israelites could cross over into the Promised Land on dry ground.  I recalled how the Israelites took 12 stones from the bottom of the Jordan to make a monument to God’s faithfulness.  Who could forget the battle of Jericho, right after they crossed the River?  Amazing stories of God’s power flooded my mind just from the mere mention of the words “the land of the Jordan.” 

I paused in my Spirit and just thanked God that He has a plan and a Promised Land for each and every orphan that I would meet and hug today.  I stood up from my spot in the dining area of the Ministry Center – which was obviously not crowded in the wee hours of the morning – to go get another cup of coffee.  I sat back down, ready to move on to another Psalm.  But my eyes kept coming back to that one phrase listed above.  Can’t say that I’d ever paid much attention to what came AFTER the words “the land of the Jordan.”   Maybe it’s because I had no idea what “the heights of Hermon” even MEANT.  But today it drew my attention over and over again, - I could NOT seem to turn the page, despite my desire to do so.  I finally relented and followed the cross-references to Deuteronomy 3.  After backing up a couple of chapters and reading, I learned a few interesting things.  Remember how God gave the Israelites SOME land “East of the Jordan?”  That’s really what “the heights of Hermon” is talking about in Psalm 42.  But some of the specific wording really caught my attention. 

“At that time, we took all his cities.  There was not one of the sixty cities that we did not take from them.  All these cities were fortified with high walls and with gates and bars.”     As soon as I read that sentence in Deuteronomy 3, I had a flashback to last year’s orphanage visit.  See if you can figure out WHY my mind flashed back to that picture…

This picture is the view from INSIDE the Baby/Toddler area of the Orphanage.  The gates and bars and walls keep the little guys segregated from the other areas of the compound.

God is busy showing me this week that He is BIGGER than the things that worry me.  He is BIGGER than the things that make my soul “downcast.”  He is BIGGER than the hopelessness of orphanages.  I think He was making a point to me with that scripture about the high walls and gates and bars that He is working a plan right NOW for those orphans... not just for their FUTURE "Promised Land."  We heard a cool story today from one of the orphanage workers.  She's an American in her late 50's - recently divorced.  Lived her whole life in Alabama.  Now she's devoting HER life to making life better for these orphans every single day.  - God is BIGGER, and He's working NOW.  Gates and Bars and Walls are nothing to Him.

He is BIGGER than the things back home that tug at my heart this week while I am in Guatemala ( a beloved mentor with a cancer recurrence, a best friend caring for aging parents with health challenges, a nephew with some scary symptoms that require neurologists and too many ambulance rides.)  OUR job is to invite Him into those places with our prayers, and to RESPOND in obedience when He gives us marching orders.  Today my orders were to get off the bus in the heaviest rainfall I have ever experienced in my entire life. 

We couldn’t play outside like we did last year – so we just took the party inside.  We were NOT going to be deterred.  It was SO worth it.  I think these pictures will attest to that.

Tomorrow we depart for three days in the villages.  Please step up the prayers for this part of our journey.  We won’t be back to the Ministry Center until late Wednesday night, so it’ll be Thursday before I get to post another update. 

He’s BIGGER.  He IS.