Saturday, June 2, 2012

Clinic One - Jesus Loves Me

Today was just a fabulous day!  We began our day with a devotion that reminded us of the POWER of prayer.  In case any of my college-aged friends from NFUMC happen to be reading this – the first passage of scripture we studied this morning was from 2 Chronicles!!  I thought that was pretty cool, and immediately thought of all of you.  (We’ve been studying 2 Chronicles together in the month of May.)  Our focal passage today was 2 Chronicles 7:14-15 “ If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”  We spoke at length about the fact that we don’t pray because we think WE have the power to change things ourselves.  We are NOT humble people.  We must learn to acknowledge that God is God and we are not!  Amen Dr. Hermann, and thank you for the reminder to pray – about everything!

I’ve always classified myself as a “country girl,” but today I traveled to a place that makes my hometown of Lumber City, Georgia look like a booming metropolis.  We traveled WAY up into the mountains to today’s village.  The altitude was high, and the fields were literally carved into the slopes of the mountains.  There are no John Deere’s here Dad.  All planting and harvesting is done by hand.  The poverty is unimaginable.  But today we had the privilege of partnering with God and infusing some hope into the community.

We saw very few unbelievers today, but we saw MANY discouraged saints – beaten down by harsh living conditions and difficult circumstances.  It was an incredible joy and privilege to simply extend a hand or a hug, and to bend the knee in prayer on their behalf.

The day netted many stories, but one stood out above all the rest to me personally.  Allow me to introduce you to Emelda.  She is a wife and a mother and a fellow sojourner.  Today she was feeling sick in her stomach, but even more sick in her spirit.

 As we began to talk about Jesus and His very personal love for each of one of us, her shoulders noticeably sagged.  She told me that she was feeling far from God, although she had been faithful to keep up her church attendance.  When I asked her if she had any idea why that distance had crept in, she began to talk about an incident that had produced a debilitating spirit of FEAR in her.  The incident itself was not particularly dramatic, but the fear was very real and very pervasive.  Emelda is a singer.  She has been gifted by God for the building up of His church, and she used to sing frequently in her church, much to the delight of all its members.  Her eyes shone when she described it to us.  But the fear that had gripped her a couple of years ago had left her afraid and powerless to stand before others to sing.  She admitted that she believed THIS had caused the distance she felt from her Heavenly Father.

Not being a skilled therapist – or a skilled ANYTHING really – I had absolutely nothing to offer Emelda, so I simply asked if I could pray for her.  We gathered around her: me, a translator, and a couple of other team members.  And we prayed, HARD.  We prayed that God would free her from this spirit of FEAR, the same way Jesus freed people from demons in the Gospel accounts.  We reminded ourselves through prayer that God is bigger than our fears.  We reminded ourselves that EVERY good and perfect gift comes from above, and that God had clearly gifted Emelda with the ability to sing.   We reminded ourselves of the scriptures that tell us that we are the LIGHT of the world, and light should never be hidden.  As we concluded the prayer, I knelt down on the filthy concrete floor directly in front of Emelda.  I grasped her hands in mine and put my face close to hers.  I locked eyes with her and instructed her to SING.  She stared at me like I was absolutely crazy.  I said it again… “Sing just for ME, an audience of one – just a chorus of a song you love.”  She glanced nervously over at the translator, her eyes begging for help.  The translator simply nodded and repeated the instructions. There was a long silence, but I kept staring right at her refusing to let her eyes or her hands go.  She opened her mouth a tiny bit; the words came out in a gentle whisper – but they came out.  I squeezed her hands and kept smiling.  She began to get some momentum.  She sang for maybe 30 seconds – the last few with a clear, strong voice.  When she stopped, she had the biggest smile on her face!  I immediately asked her if she knew any children’s songs.  She shook her head no, but I stayed put.  This time I  began to sing “Jesus Loves Me This I Know, For The Bible Tells Me So.  Little Ones To Him Belong, They Are Weak But He Is Strong.”     

I had been watching her eyes for any signs of understanding, but they seemed blank to me.  So I let my voice trail off before the chorus.  I released her hands and patted her knee as I began to raise myself up off the floor.  As soon as she realized I wasn’t going to finish the song, her voice began to sing the chorus in Spanish... in absolute PERFECT pitch.  “Yes Jesus Loves Me…”   I felt a lump come into my throat and chills covered my arms.  I sank back down to the floor in front of her and we finished the song TOGETHER…she in Spanish, and me in English.  "Yes Jesus Loves Me.  Yes Jesus Loves Me, For The Bible Tells Me So."    Honestly, it was one of the coolest experiences of my life.  As I looked around our little circle – every eye was brimming with tears.

God Himself had visited our circle.  You just KNOW it when it happens.

Enjoy these snapshots of our day.  And please keep praying for us!