Saturday, April 26, 2014


Mark 12:28-31
One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating.  Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most important?" "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.  Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and strength.  The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."

Today, God showed me a picture of this passage.  I’m emotionally weary, so the story will be the condensed version… but I’m hoping God will fill in the gaps in your imagination so you’ll see it the way I see it.

We were supposed to be up early on this Saturday morning heading to a family wedding in south Georgia.  I woke up before the alarm, and came downstairs to have some quiet time before the hectic morning began.  I had just sat down with my coffee when a text came in from Keaton’s mom.  She was already IN south Georgia.  The text simply instructed me to call her when I was awake.  I dialed immediately.  Based on the ridiculous hour and the feeling in my gut… I already knew.  It was Keaton. 

He was having seizures and was being medically-transported back to Atlanta.  (No sirens on this transport… only the heavy blades of a helicopter to announce the urgency.)

After a full day in the ER, and more tests… the doctors simply confirm what we already know.  We need new drugs.  The old ones are past their expiration date… so to speak.  New cancer drugs are hard to come by, so please pray accordingly.  We have a clinical trial starting in nine days.  Pray those days go quickly and that the new meds swing a big stick.

Little Kylie had a hard day too.  She’s back in the hospital for another round of chemo.  She’s doing this round with a little more experience and a lot less hair... experience that we don’t want and hair that we do.  Ugh.

Last summer, Kylie prayed hard for Keaton.  Since her diagnosis… Keaton has prayed hard for Kylie.

At day’s end… Keaton was moved from the ER to a room on the Aflac Cancer Ward at Scottish Rite.  Guess who’s in the room NEXT to his?  Kylie. 

They’re neighbors.  They’re praying for each other.  Kylie has been praying for Keaton all day through her waves of extreme nausea.  Their moms gave each other an understanding hug in the hallway.

And me?  I’m just weepy at the evidence that God goes before us.

It’s a really big hospital.  There are unfortunately A LOT of kids in Atlanta with cancer.  The two I love are neighbors tonight.  And they’ve been praying for each other.  Neither focused on themselves.  I think they get Mark 12:31.

Go and do likewise.