Others in my life took exception to this of course. My best girlfriend of 22 years, for example, is convinced that Jesus lives in KENYA where she has seen evidence of His presence on NUMEROUS trips to a particular orphanage there. (She is willing to graciously concede that Jesus may PERHAPS have a "condo" in Guatemala - but she is firmly set that His primary residence is in Kenya.)
It's a great debate.
But today I am writing to settle the matter once and for all. I have recently discovered indisputable evidence that IN FACT, Jesus lives in Baltimore, Maryland. Who knew?
Last week, my whole family was able to fly up to Baltimore to visit Keaton at Johns Hopkins after his latest surgery. While I would love to take the credit for our trip - it was actually God's idea. (I think He was tired of hearing this debate about the primary address for His son and wanted to settle the matter for us.) It's too LONG of a story to relay here, but trust me when I tell you His fingerprints were all over it. It's too GOOD of a story, however, not to at least hit the highlights in the blog.
The story began back in February when the deadline for the next Guatemala trip arrived. I didn't have a good reason NOT to go, and my teenage son WANTED to go. (Who in their right mind would turn down a teenage boy anxious to GO on a mission trip?) Can't explain it. Just didn't feel "free" and excited about signing up as I had felt the last two years, so I didn't. Looked at my feet alot when people asked me why I wasn't going. Didn't have a good answer. Felt pretty stupid.
Found out later that my husband's firm had a meeting at the end of May on the Chesapeake Bay - families were invited. Cool. Maybe THAT is why I wasn't supposed to go to Guatemala to visit Jesus... I needed to be able to accompany my husband on his business trip. As much as I want to be a GREAT wife, going on a business trip didn't seem like a good enough reason TO ME to skip out on a mission trip, ESPECIALLY given the fact that I'd be visiting Jesus' condo in Guatemala. So I pouted... a little. My teenager pouted ALOT.
But then we found out about Keaton's surgery.
In Baltimore.
What city had we booked our flight to from Atlanta for this business trip on the Chesapeake Bay? Baltimore.
When was Keaton's surgery? May 30th
When was our departure date for Keith's business trip? May 30th
Departure Date for the Guatemala trip I said "no" to? June 1st. Going to Guatemala would have meant missing Keith's trip AND missing Keaton's surgery. Knew NONE of that back in February. Whew... that gives me goosebumps. Pretty amazing orchestration by God isn't it? The only reason I included that part of the story in the blog is to ENCOURAGE you. God really DOES speak to us. If we take the time to pray about decisions, big and small, He really WILL weigh in. Now personally, I'd prefer something more concrete in the communication department - something OTHER THAN just a weird vibe or a nagging doubt when it's time to make the decision. But I suppose that's why it's called FAITH. He requires us to act before we have all the information we'd like to have to make a perfectly- informed decision. Abraham did that, and scripture tells us it was credited to him as "righteousness." I like the sound of that. The key, I think, is continuing to pray and seek His input. I still don't know all the story. It's not like my presence in Baltimore made much of a difference, but I believe with all my heart I was in the place I was meant to be on May 30th. And with THAT, I am satisfied.
As for Keaton, to catch you up - he's doing amazingly well! So why another surgery? We had a setback this past winter. A staph infection crept in to the bone of his skull where the steel plate from surgery number one was attached. (Surgery "number one" successfully removed the biggest of two tumors last August.) After the infection was discovered, another surgery ensued to temporarily remove the steel plate, plus remove the infected portion of the actual skull. Emotionally this was tough as it knocked our Strong Warrior out of Spring Football. But he persevered. After enough antibiotics to wipe out all infection along the entire eastern seaboard, Keaton was declared Infection Free. This last surgery at John's Hopkins was simply to re-install a new and improved steel plate. If all heals according to plan, our favorite O-Lineman will be back in his helmet in about four weeks. Would appreciate a prayer to that effect!
Now to settle the matter that began this blog post. Where does Jesus live, REALLY? When we arrived at Johns Hopkins last week, Keaton was just getting out of surgery. He was in recovery and doing well. His dad, Miles, took us on a little tour of the hospital. It's a fascinating place. It has a very "modern" side, which is very new and stainless steel and high tech. But BY FAR, my favorite part of the tour was through the "old" section of the hospital.
It's architecturally beautiful and stately. I loved the contrast of the original building to the new, high tech part of the campus. As we entered through the wrought iron gates and through the front door, there He stood, bigger than life. It actually took my breath away.
There in the lobby, stood a solid stone carving of Jesus Christ. He was in the middle of the "rotunda", which housed many of the original patient rooms and was the impetus of the medical phrase for doctors "making rounds."
The staff of Johns Hopkins continues to win our admiration and our affection. We couldn't love them more. But you see, in our human view of things, we'd rather NOT be "welcomed back" to the 10 North hallway. But sometimes God sends ALL of us on journeys we'd rather not take. Perhaps you are on a journey with a rebellious teen, or on a journey of unemployment, or on a journey of caring for aging parents where the needs are growing and your physical energy is waning. I don't know your situation. But our tour of Johns Hopkins was a visible reminder to me that He never sends us ANYWHERE without sending Jesus along with us. And Jesus wins. I hope that is something you can use this week, no matter your journey.
Our prayer for the summer is for complete healing for Keaton. We are looking forward to seeing him in his #70 jersey for his senior season at Flowery Branch High School. Thanks for continuing your membership on Team Keaton, and thanks for joining us in that prayer!